Redooc is the web platform created to make easier learning the STEM subjects
Chiara Burberi is from Milan, CEO and Co-founder of Redooc and she is one of those great women who want to succeed in their job career without giving up creativity, competence and motherhood. After her successful degree at Bocconi University, she became a lecturer there and worked as a manager at McKinsey and Unicredit.
A brilliant career crowned by the personal satisfaction of being a mother of two children: an experience so strong that brought great changes and new projects into her life that she felt the necessity and desire to create something new and innovative. In this context, Chiara, thanks to her creativity has left a positive mark on our lives, so relevant that it will affect future generations. She founded, an online platform for the education of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) that rethinks the way to teach and learn these disciplines. It uses natural language as well as the opportunities given by technology, with the aim of making them easily accessible.
Scientific subjects are among the most difficult and hated by the students, especially by female students, but they are also among the most important ones for our future career path and personal life. By using, these subjects become more accessible to young learners, thanks to its new interactive way to stimulate students’ attention. is a “gym”, where mathematics (and other subjects) are presented as a sport that everyone can practice. Sometime the key is to train in a different way! is innovative start-up with a social vocation, even if Chiara does not like to call it this way. A start-up often has a short life, but it is not the case since Redooc has been working 5 years with 10 members, and it is going to evolve every day more. Redooc is a concrete support for its customers: Italian schools and families.
Interview with Chiara Burberi, Ceo of Redooc
- Redooc was born 5 years ago, which means that it has been able to withstand the market and grow. Can you tell us how has your business evolved in these years and how is it now?
We are in permanent beta: we change constantly according to users’ feedbacks and requests. At the beginning, we were a digital native online book, while now we are a teaching platform that helps schools and families to improve students' learning and skills.
- Redooc’s main purpose was to make scientific subjects “pop” subjected, namely popular and therefore accessible to everyone. What has been the impact of Redooc platform since its foundation until now?
Every day helps to debunk many false myths: 1) mathematics is for few natural talented people, 2) it must be studied in solitude, 3) there is no place for gamification at school, and 4) it is not suitable for women ...
- Did you need any financial aids when launching Redooc or for later investments?
Redooc, like all the revolutionary innovations, constantly requires financial resources and energy: we are trying to educate the market to understand the value of content online quality. We are the product and not our users.
- How do you imagine the future of your web platform? Considering the feedbacks you got, do you want to modify and update something? is a learning platform that intends to offer not only STEM material, but also all the contents that students can develop thanks to their creative and critical thinking skills, in order to prepare them for a fast and unpredictable future.
- Speaking of education, do you agree with Montessori that scientific subjects, besides being disciplines, help the student to develop their own psychological processes?
The mathematics we study for 13 long years at school are mere calculation techniques. is based on the principle that mathematics (which means knowledge) is based on problem solving and that "everyone learns with their own methods and times". I often think of how Italy would be if Maria Montessori had become Minister of Education ... she would have led the Ministry of Education for sure…
- In addition of being an entrepreneur, you are also a mother of two children. What advice can you give women who, like you, have to reconcile business and family?
Life balance is dynamic. Just do what you feel and like, with curiosity and passion. These are the keys to understand and learn.
If you still have doubts about the activities of Redooc watch the video below.
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