The best startup ideas on which you should reflect to find the right one
The Best startup ideas may be found in Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics and augmented reality that will be the starting point to get startup ideas. As a woman you are certainly able to understand the needs of the people around you and do your best to help them. To get ideas for startups you have to do the same thing, just looking a little bit further more, focusing on the future needs of the World’s population. The satisfaction of their needs will give you personal fulfillment and maybe millions of Euros. It seems very hard at the moment, even because you’re not used to think about it, but if you reflect about it, you’ll find the good idea.
Just think about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will soon change the world with the creation of more powerful computers, able to solve complex problems in a way faster than men. The AI is an IT branch that deals with the design of hardware (electronic elaborators) and software (programs) to make the computer work and solve many humanity problems.
Robotics is highly tied to AI and to our future as well. You can design or think about robots that could help women’s needs, that no other person has already thought about. When you, or anyone else, will invent a new programming language simpler than the existing one and programming will be suitable to all, you could invent your personal robot and other women might do the same. In the meantime you could design a software for enterprises, by using current languages or you could try to improve an existing one.
Even virtual and, mostly, augmented reality need a reflection. The Augmented reality will brilliantly please many future needs: in tourism, education, videogames and in the use of artistic and cultural goods. Young people will be able to study abroad, with professors of known universities without spending money for trips and stays, for admissions in expensive universities and they will be able to participate to the lessons as they were actually present. Learning how to use the augmented reality could be wonderful and very profitable.
The best startup ideas aimed to please old and new needs
Just think about how many needs could be satisfied with innovative startups using green economy, bioscience and the sustainable development. An innovative startup could focus on energy where there’s a great need of finding natural resources and renewable sources both to face the future energetic deficiency and save climate, nature and men. It will be useful when Water and Food will run low due to the increase in population and there will be the need of discovering new ways to produce food and purify water.
Biotechnologies will change genetics to satisfy the need of improving men’s health. New discoveries could really help men to live longer and better, protecting them from diseases that, thanks to science, could be annihilated. Even the Pharmaceutical industry could do so, by contributing with new medicines useful for elderly men and elderly women, as well as it has been estimated that women will live longer than men. No less urgent is the need to make transportation more efficient, faster and less polluting. Also long-distance communications are very important for everyone, to communicate better, faster, and with cheaper fares. It will be of upmost importance to make Internet suitable for all, as well as ITC services, but above all to use the net in total safeness.
Finally it is critical to learn how to manage money. The global need to please is to learn to save and manage money wisely. The ones who want to help people to satisfy this need have to rely on Financial services. It is licit to ask ourselves – How can the one, who has lost his job because of technology, save money? – Think about this need too. Try to discover how it is possible to maintain, renew or create new workplaces for Human beings that technologies can’t replace: like for example artistic and creative jobs or personalized counseling. Lastly you could think about how to improve the everyday life, from the personal care and the free time to the multi-age family needs and besides mobile apps, software or any innovative idea you can think of.
Choosing one of the best startup idea is just not enough. You need requirements
To create a successful startup you have to be oriented towards change and innovation, you should have a clear concept and courage, together with good organizational skills, because you won’t just need to organize only work but also family life.
It is very important to adopt family rules that involve man in family needs, as well as in children’s problems. This will give you more freedom and you’ll feel less oppressed by too many working hours, as women usually work in the house more than husbands or partners. Changing culture is fundamental for everyone and the purpose of every woman must be to make sure that the family approves the new rules. Men also must cooperate with women in changing culture to favor future generations.
Now that you have realized how much there’s to do, just start to think about it and try to understand and deepen the area you’re interested in. Start researching, studying, talking, asking for advice, participating to congresses, fairs, contests and everything else that might be helpful to contribute developing your idea, verifying that it is really an innovative one. Sometimes it can be something very common, something that nobody has ever thought of before. Just think of Angelica Pellizzari that, together with Mauro Giacobbe, founded, an Italian website that compares insurance rates, bills and checks. Three years after its foundation, its 75% was purchased by Oakley Capital for 100 million Euros.
Knock yourself out and get ready for the next step: From the idea to the Business idea.